Heritage Kune Kune Pasture Raised Pork


A charcuterie quality pork, this product is world renowned for its flavor. The majority of their diet is pasture creating a deep red meat and brilliant white fat. As these pigs are slow raised (14 months to market compared to 8-10 months with other breeds) it allows for fat marbling in the meat creating an extraordinary level of quality that compares to Iberico or the black pigs of Italy. We promote this as a charcuterie pork for people interested in the highest pork quality for their bacon, sausage and curing needs but also performs amazingly in the oven and grill.

$9.00/lb hanging weight - $300 deposit due now, total due upon pick up and weighing
Average weight is 120 lbs

**Prices are exclusive of butchering fees. We sell whole animal, butchery can be carried out by customer or the local butcher shop.

**Pick up will be available after July 3rd (Delivery not available at this time)

**Deposits are non refundable

We are happy to answer any questions - please email us at hello@shadyhazelfarm.ca

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